Purpose A Novel initiative by Coimbatore Corporation under Swachh Bharat Mission to encourage the residents to do home composting using the wet and organic waste generated out of their kitchen and garden. The first of its kind massive campaign is been designed and implemented for a month period through school kids. The campaign is to create awareness for home composting
Purpose To spread awareness on Cleanliness Global warming Protection of women and children, Preservation of nature and animals etc through wall paintings Commencement August 2014 Beneficiaries Railway stations Coimbatore railway station , its one and half kilometer wall, the walls of Salem , Erode , Tirupur , Electricity board offices at Siva Nanda colony and Avinashi road, Homes , orphanages
“India can do it. People of India can do it” In Stations across Salem Division Southern Railway Purpose Cleanliness in the stations and railway track is of great importance and this is being done in co ordination with Salem Division Southern Railway. To spread this awareness demos, campaigns and flash mob is being conducted thrice every year in every station.
ADJUDGED AS ON OF THE TOP 100 PROJECTS OF THE COUNTRY 2016 Purpose Smart class academic help for the students of 10th standard in a comprehensive support program conducted by teachers appointed by the trust, with individualized attention for academic success after school hours with modern technologies. Target Group Corporation School children of 10th standard Commencement 2014-15 Beneficiaries Till Date
Project done in association with the Traffic wardens of Coimbatore City Police. Purpose To inculcate road safety rules in young minds and make them adhere to rules and stress the importance of wearing helmets. Commencement 2013-14 Achievement 100% coverage of all the schools and colleges in Coimbatore city. Videos and audio messages and seminars conducted in every institution a day
Purpose A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education. Scholarships are awarded based upon various criteria, Scholarship money is not required to be repaid. Scholarships are provided based on the financial needs. Commencement 2016-19 Outcome Our scholarship helped the students to overcome their dreams.